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Extremely Fine Eggshell Bowl by Wang Yijun (1904-1989)

Extremely Fine Eggshell Bowl by Wang Yijun (1904-1989)
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An extremely finely and delicately painted eggshell porcelain bowl by Wang Yijun. The poem on the reverse side reads "Wen ji qi wu xiang feng nian, fu gui rong hua ren ping an. Wang Yijun zuo" which can translate as "Practice the sword while hearing roosters (meaning work hard) and enjoy the affluence of the year; wish people wealth, prosperity and safety. Made by Wang Yijun"The seal mark to the base reads "Jingdezhen Zuo" - Made in Jingdezhen. Wang Yijun (1904 - 1989)was born in Anhui, China. A student of Wu Ai in his early years, he specialised in “flowers and birds” painting. He adapted Lang Shining’s style, with a touch of traditional famille rose technique. His works are usually delicate and vivid, with the elegance of the court school. In 1959 Wang Yijun was conferred the title “Ceramic Artist” by the Jingdezhen Municipal Government. In 2011, the late artist was given the Official award of “China’s Master of Ceramic Art”. Condition - excellent -no damages or repairs and with fitted box. 20.8 cm (8.2 in) diameter. .For many additional pictures please view item #1145 at our Liverpool shop website at 69aliverpool.co.uk 极为精美的粉彩蛋壳瓷碗 汪以俊作 一件薄胎蛋壳瓷碗,为汪以俊的精品之作。一面画有雄鸡牡丹图,另一面有诗文:“闻鸡起舞享丰年,富贵荣华人平安——汪以俊作“。碗底有矾红篆书款“景德镇制”。汪以俊(1904-1989),安徽人。早年师从吴霭生学艺,专攻粉彩花鸟。其吸收宫庭画师郎世宁的表现手法,并结合传统粉彩工艺,所作画风细腻,神韵生动,甚有宫廷画派精丽脱俗之气息。1959年被景德镇市政府授予“陶瓷美术家”称号。2011年被追认为”中国陶瓷艺术大师“。 品相:完好,无损伤,无修补。碗的直径20.8厘米。 2** 更多照片,请参见本店网站 www.69aliverpool.co.uk 第1145号藏品

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