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Cramerton, N.C. 28032




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John D. Rockefeller's Portrait by Lambdin

John D. Rockefeller's Portrait by Lambdin for item 1001  
$20,000 +

Please notice how well the image overlays match the original portrait. There are over 20+ matches which identify this portrait as Rockefeller. The size of this Painting is 10 5/8" x 10 3/4". Attributed to James Reid Lambdin.(1807-1889). This painting is in untouched condition and notice the original pine frame and mount. Our research has found that this painting is identical to the portrait of George Peabody (1795-1869) Painted in 1857 by James Reid Lambdin. The painting was purchased from the Estate of Mary Francis Rockefeller Lee. We found our image overlay and several photographs and paintings match John D. Rockefeller. In addition, we have observed JDR has a broken nose and this painting which matches photos and the Sargent portrait of JDR. After six years, we have found a monnogram of JDR on his shirt. We are now checking with the Rockefeller Foundation for JDR's monogram. Our nine years of research has identified this portrait as John D. Rockefeller. Chemical Analysis of the paint shows an average of 4 separate tests were Lead Pb 61.9%, Sulfur S 46.5%, Arsenic As 5.6%, Chlorine Cl 3.7%, Iron Fe 1.6%, and Calcium Ca 1.5%.

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